Creon (Enzyme replacement) - 8-12 with meals, 5-7 with a snack, 4 with a glass of milk, 14 with overnight feeds (average 35 tablets per day)
Insulin-Novorapid - 3-8 units with meals, Levemir 12 units with overnight feeds
Tobi nebuliser (an antibiotic to prevent flare ups of a bug in my lungs called Pseudomonas aeruginosa) Inhaled 2x daily. I alternate this nebuliser monthly with another one called Colomycin which is also an antibiotic
Pulmozyne - a nebuliser which helps break down mucus in my lungs making it easier to clear
Tiotropium, Ventolin and Seretide - inhalers to help my airwyas relax and open to allow better air flow
Flixonase nasal spray - to help inflammation that infection in my sinus causes
Azithramycin - an antibiotic to help flare ups of another bug i grow Staphylococcus aureus
Ursodeoxychloric Acid - aims to reduce the size of gall stones and helps prevent liver damage caused by fat
Pantoprazole - this is a proton pump inhibitor drug that inhibits gastric acid secretion.
Ranitidine - inhibits stomach acid production. Much like pantoprazole
Ceterizine - is an anti histamine which helps my sinus problems
Ferrous Fummerate - is an iron supplement as i lack the recommended leveks in my blood
I also lack the recommended levels of vitamins A,D,E and K so take supplements of these also as they are fat soluble vitamins meaning i can not absorb them from my food because of my digestive system.
Ad-cal D3, - CF people quite often have Brittle, Broken Bones/Osteoporosis/Arthritis
Singular - This reduces the bronco-constriction resulting in less inflammation of the lungs/airways
Citalapram - is an anti-depressant
Dianette - is a pill for birth control
Fresubin overnight feeds via an NG tube that i place each night, This goes up my nose to the back of my throat, where i then swallow the tube down to my stomach. I tape the left over tube to my cheek to administer 1200 calories to my body just to keep my weight stable. I currently weigh 7 stone 8lbs which is a vast improvement from 6 months ago as i weighed just 6 stone
And finally - Movicol and Acetylcytine help me go to the toilet
The majority of these drugs are taken twice a day, so at the moment i am taking 60-65 tablets 3 nebulisers and 3 inhalers, nasal sprays, feeds, laxative treatments and anti depressants just to keep myself well.
I use physiotherapy apparatus to clear my chest twice a day the devices i use arecalled Acapella,Flutter Pep and AD Breathing technices. Each device takes 30-45 minutes twice a day. There are other things available on the nhs but these are the things i find most affective for my.
To complete all treatments in one session i need an hour and a half, so need to schedule these times in to my daily routine. This routine is the basic daily slog, if Intravenous antibiotics (IVAB'S) are included it adds another 3 hours a day. I will go more in to detail about the IVAB'S i receive in another post.
It is a long boring time consuming daily routine but absolutely essential for my health